Why do we wear jewelry?

Why do we wear jewelry?

Have you ever wondered why we decorate ourselves with necklaces, bracelets, rings, and all sorts of ornaments? While clothing fulfills our basic needs by keeping us warm and comfortable, accessories don't seem to cover the same urgencies. However, they may be more important than you think! At Planderful we will briefly tell you why we wear jewelry and its importance in our mood.



The origin of jewelry

Some of the oldest jewelry found by scientists consists of jewelry made with beads, shells, animal bones, leather, feathers, and stones, among other natural materials that were easy to find and manipulate. Experts believe that this type of colorful and basic jewelry responded to a form of imitation of the behavior shown by other animals: birds, for example, reproduce by displaying their unique colors and designs.

It is believed that early humans must have learned from them to decorate themselves to attract potential mates, and thus experimented with different elements, shades, and designs. The discovery of metal helped to create more complex designs: large necklaces, bracelets, and rings began to emerge in these early societies, becoming increasingly popular.

It is also possible that jewelry and accessories were means used for identification, protection and even showing one's rank among community members. This gave jewelry a social importance that derived from the complex development of societies: now jewelry was more than a way to attract a mate, it was a sign of social and economic status.

From the Middle Ages to the 18th century, jewelry became a symbol of elegance and power among the wealthy. The number and size of necklaces, rings, and bracelets displayed by a person made known his or her place in the community. Precious stones and metals were reserved for the wealthy, and jewelry with religious symbols became increasingly popular among Christians during this period.

Jewelry also became an investment and currency during this period. Jewelry was used by religious and political leaders as a way to show favoritism for certain individuals, or even to represent a particular position within the hierarchy.

From the 17th to the 17th century onward, jewelry also took on other connotations. Certain materials, such as crystals and precious stones, were believed to be linked to special mystical or healing powers. The idea of birthstones attached to a particular month, or gems that can cure illnesses, became extremely popular among people.


Why do we wear jewelry today?

As we have seen, the history of jewelry shows how it evolved from a simple accessory for mating rituals to important socioeconomic connotations. However, today jewelry is much more accessible to the social classes, and although some materials continue to be desired due to their rarity and luxury, today it is possible to find beautiful and affordable accessories for a more reasonable price.

So why do we wear jewelry today?

Well, the main reason derives from the fact that jewelry is a means of expression. Although fashion tends to standardize certain ways of dressing and looking, jewelry and accessories are perfect for styling an outfit according to your personality and preferences. From a deep taste for certain colors or shapes to religious benefits to hobbies. Jewelry is a great way to show the world who you are without having to say a single word.

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What is the psychology behind wearing jewelry?

Perhaps you have never wondered about the psychological meaning behind buying and wearing jewelry (earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings). However, you should know that every piece of jewelry you wear has a psychological meaning that involves a need to have it.

It should be noted that people's connection with jewelry comes from ancient cultures such as the Egyptian or Aztec, in which people used jewelry to adorn their bodies. They also used jewelry to mark differences related to social class, role, religion or simply to differentiate themselves from the rest of the community.

Thus, we will tell you about five psychological meanings behind the use and choice of jewelry:


1- Self-esteem and social status

Jewelry has the power to make you feel confident, beautiful, and successful. That's why many women choose to wear them. Since the time of monarchs, empresses, emperors, and pharaohs, sumptuous jewelry is synonymous with wealth and high social status.


  1. Connection

A piece of jewelry can mark an important connection with a person, as is the case with the symbolism of engagement rings that signify love, choice, eternity, and a solid relationship. Jewelry inherited from grandmothers or mothers is also linked to memories, happiness, and love. Likewise, personalized jewelry, which is made with a person's preferences and personality in mind, has a great meaning in the life of the person who gives it as well as the one who receives it.


  1. Personality

Every time you choose a piece of jewelry you do it based on your personality expressed through preference. The choice of jewelry represents four aspects of personal psychology: who I am, how I look, where I have been, and what bonds I have forged. Behind every earring, ring, bracelet or other pieces of jewelry will be one or more of these aspects.


  1. Dating and falling in love

Jewelry is used to highlight some erotic parts of the human body. For example, some earrings will highlight the erogenous earlobes, while a necklace will illuminate and make the neck more attractive.


  1. Jewelry symbolizes different things

In short, jewelry has the power to symbolize different aspects related to sex, birth, marriage, agreements, wealth, success, mourning, etc.



Jewelry is essential in the life of the human being and fulfills multiple functions. Besides being aesthetically powerful, it has the power to express your personality, forge bonds and others. Finally, it should be noted that all gifts are important but jewelry is special because it is almost always linked to a romantic memory and other unforgettable moments in a woman's life.

Did you know all this? Visit Planderful's website for more jewelry tips.

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